Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

4th International Eurasian Mycology Congress 2024 (EMC'24)

Poster Preparation and Presentation Rules

Poster Preparation Rules:

  • The poster should measure 70 cm x 100 cm.

  • Place the congress logo in the upper left corner and the name, as well as the logo of the presenter's institution/organization/university, in the upper right corner.

  • Ensure that the poster text is easily readable from a distance of 2 meters.

  • The poster references and reference index should follow the APA6 style.

Poster Presentation Rules:

  1. Posters will be displayed on numbered boards assigned by the Organizing Committee.

  2. Poster owners will receive assistance from duty students in putting up their posters.

  3. Poster owners must be present at their posters during the specified times in the program and be available to provide information about their work.

Please note that abstracts of participants who are not present at their posters during the scheduled hours will not be included in the congress book.